Monday, November 7, 2011

Balmain 'Evasion'

image; michelle belle for galerie montmartre

The Balmain Art Fair is finished for another year, lots of happy people taking home lots of beautiful art for their walls.

This little guy got alot of attention this weekend. A beautiful 1960's poster, typically cheeky and kitsch. The play on words between French and English had me smiling - majority of people read the words 'Tele-Evasion', used their knowledge of English to think that the French were speaking of the 'invasion' of TV or the way technology 'evades' our life. When the French adjective 'Evasion' is to 'escape' close, yet so far! And there endeth today's French lesson!!

Nevertheless, I've loved my little 'Evasion' to Balmain this weekend - no better way to work and play than in a lovely urban port-side hub. Hit the road back to Melbourne very soon. x

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