image; michelle belle for galerie montmartre
It has been all systems go here at Galmont despite the personal and professional upheaval that occurred on June 22nd. Our doors have remained open and vintage poster lovers from far and wide have come. Yes, L'Homme (who incidentally is now on the short list for rehab, clearly making inroads!!) has much to be proud of, but something he should really be thrilled about is the way our gorgeous little assistant, Michelle Belle, has stepped up and grabbed hold of her opportunity to truly shine. She is gleaming with efficiency, knowledge and expertise.
We have been working at getting a new blog together, one that highlights a little less of what Femme de M likes and a little more Galerie Montmartre - Vintage Original Poster - based. So I thought we'd grab hold of that Gen Y enthusiasm and give Michelle Belle her own blogging guernsey and what a fine job she's doing. To remind you of how clever she is, I'll be re-posting a tumblr post every Wednesday here at Femme de M.
So if you are a lover of vintage poster art, Galerie Montmartre or a spy (we know you're out there!!), then time to jump on board the latest addition to the Galmont Cyber Funfest.
Yes indeed friends, we'll tumble for ya - galeriemontmartre(dot)tumblr(dot)com.
And check out the snippet below, Michelle Belle's loyalty knows no bounds, to the point where the very first week of setting up Galmont's brand new tumblr site, she devoted all five posts to L'Homme himself!
Co-owner, director and all round big cheese at Galerie Montmartre is Stephan Trbuhovich, aka Le Boss. He has the knowledge, the passion and the energy that has turned Galerie Montmartre into the superbly successful poster gallery it is today.....And whilst he does not have the singing voice, the dance moves or the funny jokes he might believe, what he does have is in spades is a tremendous ability to find exceptional posters. On a recent buying trip to France, I was lucky enough to see ‘the eye’ (as he sometimes refers to himself) in action. And you know what, this bloke, he knows his stuff. So, in honor of Le Boss, his personal favourites are the week one theme. These are the posters that got Le Boss all a flutter in France….
I SECOND THAT michelle is a superstar...
Shelley is a wonderwoman
And Steph is a miracle man! :)
Popping over to the Tumblr now... how do you guys even have time for this!? AMAZING! Love your work ladies! xxx
man, good stuff. totally good stuff!
going to check it out darl, and sending you love and happy thoughts.jxxx
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