Hello Folks! I am having so much fun lurking around the blogosphere, making the odd comment, following new blogs and getting plenty of inspiration.
Galmont has been open all January and we've met lots of lovely people - many Interstate and overseas visitors too - but there has still been plenty of time to relax and enjoy a few things...
...and with relaxation often comes the ideas...I've finally come up with a cheap (ie. budget conscious, not hideous!!) way to continue living with our outdated kitchen. The wallpaper above is going to be one part of it and blackboard paint the other - just a little, as I am getting slightly jaded seeing bb paint everywhere, but it's going to be put to good use in a fun way. I think a couple of slight changes and the kitchen can be brought into 2010. I am very excited. I see a 'before and after' post in the making!
.....loving Pia Jane Bijkerk's interview in the latest Dumbo Feather mook (ie. is it a magazine? is it a book?) I wrote of my love for all things Dumbo Feather here and I noticed that Victoria had something to say about DF recently too. Oh yes, it is inspiration city, that little publication.
I've actually managed to read the weekend newspapers from cover-to-cover four whole weeks in a row! That is heaven to me!
Congrats, by the way, to Kat and Nat who had a lovely little article written about their business, they launched a mere four months ago...their wrappers are selling like 'cupcakes'...urgh, sorry...!
Congrats, by the way, to Kat and Nat who had a lovely little article written about their business, they launched a mere four months ago...their wrappers are selling like 'cupcakes'...urgh, sorry...!
...and I finally realised that the baby blanket our friend, Tash, gave us a couple of year's back when Petit-Petit arrived is an Amy Butler design (the top one) - any wonder I love it so much!
Of course, there has been much more which I'll share with you all when we return from our little vacation down the coast. Galmont will be left in the capable hands of sweet Michelle, our Belle, who will be beating L'Homme at his own game, if he doesn't watch himself.
See you again soon - thanks for your lovely comments and welcome to all those sweeties who have decided to follow what this Femme gets up to; I better lift my own game...